Why is syncreon technology important today?

what is syncreon technology?

What is syncreon technology? Syncreon is a global software development company that provides software development services and offshore software development services to clients worldwide. We work with clients from Silicon Valley to Hanoi and from Bangalore to Barcelona. Our customers are primarily in the US and EU. We provide our customers with software development services … Read more

What is Osmose technology Pvt Ltd?

What is osmose technology pvt ltd?

Osmose technology Pvt ltd started its business in the year 2010. Osmose technology Pvt Ltd is a dynamically growing company. Osmose technology PVT ltd has given a new definition to the Indian market. There are many companies are working in different fields. We believe in giving the best quality products to our customers. We use … Read more

What is Craft Design Technology?

What is Craft Design Technology?

Craft design technology refers to the use of technology to create physical items or products. It is a type of design that is not dependent on any specific design software or computer-aided design (CAD) software. Craft design technology uses physical tools and techniques to create something. The craft is the method of creating a physical … Read more

What is the main Function of a Technology transfer office with respect to Collaborative Research?

What is the main Function of a Technology transfer office with respect to Collaborative Research?

Technology transfer offices (TTOs) are increasingly seen as a way to expand the commercialization of university-based research. They help with the translation of university-based research into the marketplace. TTOs have become increasingly important in university governance, and for the development of their commercialization activities, TTOs are increasingly seeking out research collaborations with industry partners. Collaborative … Read more