To view YouTube videos offline, you may want to download them in MP4 format and save them to your local hard drive or another storage device. For those unfamiliar with the process, this can seem like an intimidating task, but it’s actually quite simple – if you know how to do it! In this article, we’ll show you how to download YouTube videos on your Mac and PC using only two free programs that any computer user can use. Let’s get started!
YouTube is a very popular video-sharing website with millions of visitors every day. YouTube allows its users to upload their personal videos and share them with others by embedding links in other web pages or by sharing them through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
It’s also possible to download your favourite YouTube videos in order to watch them offline later. The only issue is that it can be tricky figuring out how YouTube video download works – but you don’t have to worry about that any longer because we have easy solutions for you! So let’s take a look at our tips for downloading YouTube videos.
How to YouTube video download from iPhone
Apple never seems to make anything easy, especially when it comes to apps. Sure, you can download videos from a mobile browser, but it’s nowhere near as simple as using a desktop computer. Luckily, there is an app that enables you to do just that—in fact, it even allows you to take screenshots of whatever video happens to be playing on your phone at any given time.
The catch is You need iOS 7 or later and a Mac with a recent version of iTunes installed. Then all you have to do is connect your device via USB and start copying—it’s almost as easy as downloading videos from an actual website. Here’s how 1. Install iVidCap 2. Launch iVidCap 3. Plugin your iPhone 4. Tap on Paste From Clipboard.
How can you save videos from YouTube on a computer?
Learn how to save videos from YouTube in a few simple steps. This way you can share them on your computer, mobile device or on other websites! Whether you want to save a new viral sensation or just something funny your friend shared with you, saving a video from YouTube is very easy and very useful. In fact, most web browsers have built-in features that make it easier than ever.
This wikiHow will teach you how to do it both ways downloading videos with or without Adobe Flash Player. If you use Google Chrome, follow these instructions. If not, use these methods instead (if using Firefox). # Method One Using Built-In Browser Functions Here’s how to download a video from YouTube without flash if you’re using Google Chrome as your browser (for help using another browser, read How to Save Videos from Other Browsers) Open up any browser window; go on YouTube; Find and play any video.
You can also find saved videos by browsing channels or entering search terms in top right Search field; Click Share under the player; Select Download in dropdown menu beneath Save As… box; Choose format of file to download; Name file (optional); Click Save button.
What are the best tools for downloading YouTube videos
There are a lot of options for saving videos from YouTube. Some options are free, but others require you to pay for premium features. However, there’s no need to spend any money when there are plenty of free video downloaders that can do everything you need them to. Two of our favorites include KeepVid and VDownloader. Both have their own unique set of pros and cons, so it might be a matter of personal preference which one you end up using more often. Let’s go over both of them here.
- KeepVid is available on Windows and macOS, as well as Android phones or tablets running version 4.1 or later (and if you don’t happen to have an Android device at your disposal, we’ve got instructions below on how to use another tool with your browser instead). The first thing you’ll want to do is sign in using Facebook or Google+. It will prompt you for permission; make sure it has access to your microphone and camera before moving forward—you’ll need these in order to record videos once you start downloading them! Next, head over to YouTube and find a video that’s worth saving.
Step by Step Guide to YouTube Video Download
In the ever-growing world of YouTube video sharing, one of the most popular ways to watch them is to download them on your computer or portable device. With the right software and guide, you can quickly and easily transfer videos from YouTube to your portable device so you can take them with you wherever you go. Follow these steps to learn how to YouTube video download in no time at all!
Step 1: Open the YouTube App
Open up your YouTube app. If you’re not sure where it is, check your phone’s app drawer or quick-launch menu (both of which are usually accessible from a home screen). When you open up your YouTube app, you’ll see a New Feed tab at the top right-hand corner of your screen. Tap on that. Then tap on Top Videos. This will take you to a list of some of YouTube’s most popular videos at any given time, arranged in chronological order.
Step 2: Tap ⚙ at the top right of your screen
This takes you to your account menu. Tap Downloads, then tap Media Manager. If you have music and other media files, you’ll be able to play and/or download them from here as well. To download a YouTube video from your computer, simply click on it: You’ll see a prompt asking whether you want to save or open it in YouTube.
Step 3: Click Download under HD in the pop-up menu
As you can see in figure A, YouTube will take you back to your video page, but with a download icon above it. Click on that, and then click Save (B) or Download (C). Either way, you’ll get a pop-up menu where you can select an option for saving your video—I recommend saving it as an MP4 file. Then click Save/Download once more and wait a few seconds while YouTube converts your video. Depending on its length and quality, that could take anywhere from 10 seconds up to several minutes. You’ll know it’s ready when YouTube gives you another pop-up message asking if you want to Open or Play your saved file.
Step 4: Choose either MP4 or M4A format
You can choose either MP4 or M4A as your YouTube video download format, but some programs may not recognize these formats. If you’re unsure which format to use, MP4 is a safe bet. You can then check out an online converter that will convert your file into any other format if needed.
Step 5: Enjoy watching offline!
If you are downloading YouTube videos using Android phone, then there is a simple way. All you need is TubeMate app installed on your phone. This app helps in offline YouTube video download as well. The steps of downloading videos via TubeMate are as follows: First, install and open TubeMate app on your Android device. Second, click on search tab. Type up any keyword or phrase relevant to your requirement, add filter and select download quality (if required). To start watching downloaded YouTube videos offline, open TubeMate and tap Show Downloads button at top right corner of home screen. This will display all downloads stored in files folders.